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Telephone (fixed network)
TELETOK has 316 active fixed lines on the three islands on a copper cable network with a market penetration of 92%. The fixed-line network is expected to undermine its popularity by the new 4G LTE data service.
Mobile network
The new LTE 4G network provides both voice and data services. With the voice, calls can make between the islands and to and/or from international operators. The Internet can be accessed from any point in the islands if within network coverage. Voice mails, SMS, inter-island roaming and android applications are also accessed. Apple iPhone will access on the islands after updating TELETOK MCC and MNC next global software version iOS11, September 2017. Mobile device limitations on VOLTE will take up to Board as key priority pending on Board approval.
Internet services (ADSL)
The service is delivered on all islands via copper cable from indoor ADSL 2+ of 40+ meters range. Upgrade to fixed network MSAN has improved internet speed. New broadband 4G LTE is another choice for internet access.
WIFI internet
Wireless internet is provided through indoor modems. Installation of multi-access modems (Mikrotik) to Government and village offices with individual accounts and passwords has eliminated IP conflicts and credits fraud experienced in the past.
HF Radio
Although uncertainties involved in our geographical isolation and remoteness, HF radio is available on each site for unexpected outage as voice emergency communications between islands and the transport office in Apia.
VHF Radio
Traditional voice service and serves the same purpose as HF radio but limited coverage within each island. This service is also available on sites and to any boat(s) outside the ocean on available radio channels.
Satellite Photos
This is a reliable backup during emergency cases. Voice, SMS, and the internet can be accessed through these new satellite phones. TELETOK uses these phones during unexpected satellite link outages overtimes.
Sky Pacific TV
Teletok is the sole local distributor for Digicel Sky Pacific TV recently taken over from Fiji TV Limited. TELETOK’s sole responsibility is to procure and supply receiver equipment to local subscribers. About 79 household subscribers have activated accounts at the time this plan is written.
In the past, TELETOK focused on the buying and selling of ICT equipment. TELETOK had limitations then especially on control measures. The recruitment of a stock person has restored this service on a small scale
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