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Key Development Activities

Auditing - TELETOK had audited its financial statements from 2012 to 2015 by KPMG Fiji in April 2016 and continually follow standard auditing practice in the future. Financial statements 2016 to 2017 will be audited in September 2017. Policies and procedures have formulated and endorsed by the Board in 2016 to follow.

Board Charter - A system of direction and management at Board level is required as a review of provisions under TELETOK Rules 2016. Redraft of legislation to develop systems and processes to follow and boundaries between Board and management.

Annual Report - Annual report 2016/2018 will be released toward the end of the calendar year 2017 to ensure corporate governance good practice have applied.

Valuation of Assets - This initiative is to value all assets for books purpose and more importantly on assets that have no historical records in office. This would enable TELETOK to estimate the Government equity for Board informed decisions on future investment strategy. Central Property Valuers (Apia) Limited was tasked to perform an extensive valuation exercise on the three sites and has submitted the final report to management in early 2017.

Tariff Review - Current outbound retail tariff structure is beyond the carrier’s pricing. This reflects the impact of challenges in terms of market size. The likelihood of a drop in telephone usage as a consequence of OTT apps popularity nowadays triggers seeking NZ support for tariff review on ongoing concerns. This is to ensure TELETOK is self-sustainable operates on a commercial viability basis or on any other model should suit and supports TELETOK existence in its small business environment.

Increase in human capacity - New chart approved by the Board reflects eleven new positions have been created to close gaps and eliminate overlaps existed within TELETOK as relate to growth in services portfolio. Recruitment at the middle-level capacity is done in March and the executive capacity will act before the end of the calendar year 2017.

Ongoing Training and Upskill - This is critical to staff capacity development. Without a proper plan at the time the plan is written, the staff is encouraged to have the training and upskill onsite with vendors’ technical support, PITA training workshops, and Pulse Telecommunications Training programs. Recruitment of new executives in (CTO and CFO) 2017 expects improvements in workplace outcomes at the department level.

Improved Plans on Services and Recovery - A critical area TELETOK planned to ensure consistent delivery of services during and after emergency cases on sites. This area should adopt regional and international best practices.

National ICT Policy - As overseeing the national ICT, a policy is required to coordinate all ICT developments aligned to both TCP and TNSP 2016-2020 key outcomes. The first draft will be tabled up to the Board in April 2018.

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