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Corporate Governance

At present, the Board of Directors is TELETOK’s governing body. The committee comprises six members of the Council for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau. The Board’s role as the principal decision-maker is to make sure proper direction and control of practices and processes are in place and followed accordingly. Management functions are enunciated under the requirements of TELETOK legislation, Rules 2016.

TELETOK is a state-owned enterprise, wholly owned by the Government of Tokelau as precisely spelled out and established under the requirements of the TELETOK Rules 1996.

TELETOK through the planning process of the Government National Strategic Plan 2016-2020
adopted five broad objectives and SWOT analysis as the basis of devising objectives that this plan focuses on:

          Human development
          Climate change

Governance - The objective ensures good practices of corporate governance are applied in TELETOK. Applicable laws, decisions reached on matters taken up to Board level, policies and procedures are followed to manage all risks surrounding the business environment and activities.

Human development - To maintain and sustain these services, it is prudent that the human capacity and technical skills are ongoing priorities and available to staff. Therefore, training of staff through attachments, short and long-terms are ongoing activities within the duration of the plan.

Infrastructure - With the fast pace in technological advancement in the ICT industry, it is paramount that TELETOK should commit to keeping abreast with these changes. Therefore, TELETOK must comply with compatible standards to be in place to enable reliable delivery of services and more importantly on a suitable and effective ICT infrastructure for Tokelau.

Sustainability - TELETOK, without doubt, struggles to sustain its economic status because of its market nature and small size. Corporate practices aim to ensure TELETOK operates in a financially sustainable manner. The Taupulega and the Government may wish to consider supporting TELETOK by subsidizing its capital developments and operations to ensure achievement of key development priorities of the nation.

Climate Change - With the geographical nature of the islands and seasonal weather conditions experienced in the past, TELETOK is encouraged to undertake disaster recovery measures that ensure continuity of service delivery during unforeseen circumstances and to consider disaster and climate risks when planning new and upgrade of existing infrastructure.
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